Consciousness. Communication. Change.






























Consciousness. Communication. Change.

"One cannot not communicate" (Paul Watzlawick) is one of the essential truths about communication. Wherever human beings interact, communication takes place: at work, at home and everywhere inbetween. Muna offers custom-tailored facilitation, moderation & trainings that suit your needs.

Her fields of expertise include:


As a skilled facilitator and moderator Muna guides you through your process (meetings, workshops, conferences, conventions, retreats etc.) and supports you in reaching your goal as a team, department, organization.

  • IN-View: Systems Analysis and 360° Inspection of what is in order to create what should be

  • Company Culture: Raising consciousness of who we are both as individuals as well as members of a group in order to establish a company culture, system and work style we enjoy working in

  • Reflection & Project Analysis: Learning from the past for a better future

  • Vision & Goal Quest: What's next?



In her trainings & seminars Muna provides you with knowledge, hands-on experiences and tools, which you can apply instantly.

  • Cross-Cultural Communication

  • Intercultural Learning

  • Working and Living Abroad: country-specific preperations

  • Team Building and Leadership Skills


Clear communication is a game changer. The more conscious you are of your personal and other communication styles the easier it gets. Muna offers individual consultation to support your organisation as well as you and your team in what you want to communicate and become aware of individual and collective dynamics. To sum it up: Conscious communication for every situation.



Looking for someone to be the master of ceremonies (MC) at your next event? Someone to do the talking, engage with the audience and set the tone for the event so that you get the space and time to focus on other things? In Muna you have a witty, charming MC that finds the right words for all occasions.

  • Conferences & Conventions

  • Public Debates & Discussions

  • Interviews (optional: with Q&A from the audience)

  • Events


Ever thought about inspiring your colleagues and co-workers with an unsual talk about an even more unusual topic? Muna offers Nerd-Talks which are short lectures in TED-X manner to widen your horizon. Topics include for instance

  • Mannequin Culture Across The World

  • Changemaker Projects that Bridge the Great Divide


Still not finding what you're looking for?   
Get in touch and let's talk over coffee.





Charité University Hospital Berlin, Fachhochschule Münster, Impulse Institute Berlin, Deutscher Bundesjugendring - dbjr, AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V., European University Viadrina - Frankfurt (Oder), Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, Tivola Publishing GmbH, International Film Festival Emden-Norderney, 105,5 Spree Radio, visionauthik Berlin, Auroville International, weltwärts, European Voluntary Service, The Bridge Conference, Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance, ev. Kirche Riedburg, WasteLess, interCultur gGmbH, britspotting - the British & Irish Film Festival Berlin, Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH, Fugu Filmverleih O'Grady und Suhren GbR, Qualitätsverbund weltwärts ventao e.V.